Front-End Developer

Hi, I’m Nydia Subur, a Junior Front-end Developer based in South East Asia passionate about crafting minimal, responsive websites with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and React.

With a degree in Information Systems and Sociology from Singapore Management University, I recently transitioned from a successful career in sales to follow my love for coding and design. My journey has been fueled by self-learning, dedicating countless hours to mastering front-end development.

Previously at Microsoft, HubSpot, and Sony, I bring a unique blend of technical skills, business insight, and creativity. Outside of coding, I’m a community builder and a lifelong learner, deeply interested in spirituality, science, and productivity, always seeking to grow both professionally and personally.

My Workflow

01. Requirement Analysis
Understand project goals by collaborating with stakeholders to gather all necessary details.
02. Timelines and Deadlines
Define realistic timelines, deadlines, and any project restrictions
03. Design and Prototyping
Create wireframes and prototypes using tools like Figma or Sketch, focusing on user-centric design through an iterative process.
04. Development
Implement designs using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React.js, ensuring clean and efficient code.
05. Testing
Conduct rigorous testing to ensure the code is robust and performs well across devices and browsers.
06. Maintenance and Scaling
Provide ongoing support to optimize performance, fix bugs, and scale the project for future growth.